
Breastfeeding Groups

Board Certified Pediatrician & IBCLC located in Denver, CO

Breast Feeding Groups

If you are looking for a breastfeeding group led by a board-certified pediatrician who is also an IBCLC, you found it at Woven Pediatrics in Denver, Colorado! Dr. Stephanie meets with chestfeeding parents and their babies to talk about lactation and new parenthood. 

Please register so that we know you're coming. Bring your baby and your friend! (But please don't come if you're sick.)

Low Supply Group: Monday 9:30am

Breastfeeding Support Group: Friday 9:30am



Breastfeeding is social!

What kind of groups are there?

Low Supply Group: Mondays at 9:30am

The Low Supply Group will connect mothers who do not make enough milk to feed their baby. Why Monday? The weekend can be a lonely time for moms who are on a demanding schedule of pumping and nursing. A Monday weight check and some time with other moms will get the week off to a good start!

Please register under mom's name.

Breastfeeding Support Group: Fridays at 9:30am

The Breastfeeding Support Group is the place to get your questions answered! Breastfeeding changes soooo much as the days and weeks go on. What is normal? Why did something that worked last week never work again? What is up with the pumping? How do I handle back-to-work?

Please register under mom's name.

What are the benefits of attending a support group?

* Knowledge sharing: the tips and tricks that have helped others!

* Mutual experiences: normalizing all the craziness of having a new baby.

* Sense of community: let's be here for eachother.

What topics are discussed at a support group?

* Best practices for optimizing lactation.

* Planning a day with a young baby.

* Emotional ups and downs.

* Whatever the group feels like discussing.

Is a support group a good substitute for a lactation consult?

If you are cruising along in your breastfeding journey, and there are no personal concerns, a breastfeeding support group like the one at Woven Pediatrics is a good option. If you are just getting started or are worried about mom's milk supply or baby's weight gain, Dr. Stephanie should see you for an individual consult.

Join us! Bring a friend! (But stay home and get well soon if you or your baby are sick.)